Selection by Design assists clients with choosing employees and building careers!
Selection by Design offers organizations and individuals a unique and valuable opportunity.
We provide training in occupational testing through assessment methods verified by the British Psychological Society (BPS). The training you receive from Selection by Design leads to fulfillment of requirements for the British Psychological Society (BPS) Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing Level A and/or Level B Intermediate/Intermediate Plus.
We also consult with business and individual clients regarding how they may develop and use psychological testing for vital work-related decisions.
Occupational testing will enable your business to make employee choices that add value to your organization.
Businesses in virtually all industries struggle with decisions about who to hire, who to train or retrain and in what areas, who to promote to a different position or who to transfer to a different job.
Making decisions about human resources is one of the most stressful jobs managers, supervisors and directors must face. They know decisions must be made, but it can seem impossible to feel confident about making the very best choices for their businesses.
Deciding on employees’ training, transfers and promotions can be so uncomfortable, many businesses avoid these aspects of human resources management as much as possible – so much so that their businesses may suffer greatly as a result.