As mentioned in previous Blogs, completion of training with Selection by Design allows you to apply for entry to The Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU).
Remember: the RQTU is a publicly accessible Register (accessed via listing those who have one or more of the BPS’s qualifications in test use. Whilst this is important in terms of transparency (e.g., the general public can see your qualifications), test publishers can consult the Register to ensure that you have the appropriate qualifications to purchase tests.
Qualifications at the Test User level and above can be used as evidence of competence for people wishing to use or purchase test materials. As such, evidence that one has attained the required standard for all the essential elements of competence is deemed by the BPS as being a necessary (but not necessarily sufficient) condition for access to test materials.
While publishers and suppliers of test materials cannot be bound by the BPS, the BPS encourages them to accept the appropriate qualifications as a basis for their registration of test users. Suppliers of tests may, of course, require evidence of additional areas of competence before access to specific tests is granted or may require users to have additional specialist training in the use of particular instruments. It is the responsibility of the test user to check the access arrangements for specific tests with publishers directly. Any person who has the minimum competence defined by the standards should be in a position to appreciate the need for additional training, where this is required.
Thus, it is always the test publisher who decides who has access to use tests, as they understand the requirements of the instrument.
In the occupational field, Level A certification gives test users access to a range of ability and aptitude tests from a range of test publishers. Level B is a test specific qualification.
The CCET is not test specific – Educational Verifiers work closely with educational test publishers to discuss which educational tests could be accessed by non psychologists who hold the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET).
Thus – a few points to remember:
(i) Test publishers wishing to sell their materials to appropriately qualified test users will be able to search against a test user’s name on the RQTU and view the Test User qualifications held by an individual.
(ii) Others, such as employers, clients, training course providers, and members of the general public will be able to access information on the online Register to determine whether a test user is active and competent.
(iii) A Registered Test User will be able to retain an entry on the RQTU by agreeing to abide by the Code of Good Practice in Psychological Testing , through settlement of an annual registration fee and by adhering to a set of rules for registrants. Every six years, Registered Test Users will be required to revalidate their qualifications in test use by affirming that they have maintained their competence and they may be required to submit evidence to support this affirmation. This initiative aims to ensure that only competent and current test users retain valid qualifications in test use.
As ever, we hope that this post has given you some useful information. After training with Selection by Design, it is important to gain entry to the RQTU (and upkeep this with CPD and MoC logbooks.
If new information becomes available about the RQTU and accessing tests, we will let you know,
In the meantime, let us know if we can help you with your own work in this area. We would be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you.
Barbara and Conor